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 St. Catherine's Church

Meath St.,  Dublin 8

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Phone: 01-4543356


Reg. Charity No. (RCN) 20016166






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Meath St. Newsletter 23 March 2025

1st Communion: 17 May 2025

Confirmation: 23 May 2025

Mass Times

10am Mon, Weds Thurs, Fri, Sat

Tues 10am Eucharistic Service

Sunday 11am



The Ceremony

The Sacrament of Baptism is broken up into a number of sections

The Naming Ceremony

The Liturgy of the Word

Prayers of the Faithful

Litany of the Saints

Anointing with the Oil of Catechumenate

Blessing of the Water

Renewal of Baptismal Promises


Anointing with the Oil of Chrism

Priests and Kings were anointed with oil and set apart as God’s special leaders. In the same way the oil of chrism is a reminder that we share the power of Christ the Priest: to offer praise and thanks to God the Father, we share the power of Christ the Prophet: that we may speak words of peace and encouragement, and we share the power of Christ the King: that we may serve God in the world through our work, making a better world in serving the needs of others.

Putting on of the Baptismal Robe

The new Christian wore the white garment for a week as a sign that he had taken on a new way of life.

 Lighting of the Baptismal Candle

 Ephata Prayer

 Our Father

 Final Blessings